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titanic is gone, long live brittanic

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<html><body><p>Titanic sank last week. Well, actually, either one of the hard disks crashed or the secondary harddisk controller thought it would be nice to start generating errors at a progressively alarming rate.


I already had the successor waiting to take over from titanic. I just needed to install a Linux distribution on brittanic and all should be well. Or so I thought. A friend of mine is working on a distribution focussed on security. So I first installed Debian, changed the sources.list file and then updated to <a href="">Adamantix</a>. This was a bad idea for a first timer on a Debian based distro. At the end I had it so broken, I could'nt log in anymore.

Fortunately it was still routing traffic, so I could download Redhat 9. All is well so far, I just need to install some more stuff like <a href="">gallery</a>.

One advantage is that I have lots more harddisk space. Titanic had one 250MB harddisk and one 540 MB harddisk, both at least 8 years old. Now I have a 6 and an 8 GB harddisk, plus the current machine has a normal BIOS, although it is also a Compaq machine, but of later vintage.</p></body></html>