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<html><body><p>Het schijnt dat ik rond deze tijd uit de operatiekamer kwam na een operatie aan een doorgebroken, ontstoken blindedarm. Niet echt veel last gehad, een behoorlijke buikpijn, maar ook niet meer dan dat.</p></body></html>

Problems installing software on PDA

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<html><body><p>Today I had a lot of problems installing some software on a Windows CE based PDA. When the installation procedure tried to open the software screen of Active Sync the screen would open but close again immediately. The installation program would claim the software was installed, which it wasn't. Shutting down Zonealarm solved the problem.</p></body></html>

How to get a CVS server working on sarge

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<html><body><p>If you've installed the default cvs package on Debian sarge, but chose not to configure it as a CVS server, you've got problems when you want to correct that. So far I've followed these steps:


<li>Remove and reinstall cvs package. Didn't help.</li>

<li>Create a cvs user</li>

<li>Change ownership of /var/lib/cvs to cvs user</li>

<li>Add <br><code>2401 stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/cvs cvs --allow-root=/var/lib/cvs pserver</code><br> to /etc/inetd.conf</li>


Hmm, nothing I tried worked. I just found another machine with no prior CVS install and made it work there.</body></html>

Fedora Core 3 installation on an old IBM PII

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<html><body><p>I encountered the following:


<li>The Mitsumi drive in the PC resulted in a kernel panic. This is a known bug in the Linux kernel.</li>

<li>When the installer (Anaconda) wanted to access the harddisks, this resulted in an assertion fail (heads&gt;0 and heads

</li><li>Before yum will work, the GPG key needs to be installed. Do this using <code>rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora</code></li>&gt;</ol></body></html>

De grootste Nederlander

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<html><body><p>Mijn hemel, een relnicht met grootheidswaanzin die de <a href="">grootste Nederlander</a> aller tijden is? Is er geen betere kandidaat voor die titel?

Nou ja, dit is hetzelfde land dat doet alsof terrorisme iets nieuws is en dat het met wat meer blauw op straat (of incognito) op te lossen is... Alsof er ooit grootschalige arrestaties zijn geweest van RAF of IRA cellen. Ook die kampeerden in Nederland!

Daarnaast een regering die het land zo in de put praat dat de economie nog steeds niet wil opstarten. Zucht.

Wie wil met mij mee naar een eiland in de Pacific?</p></body></html>

Different Asterisk logfile location

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<html><body><p>If you don't want to log to /var/log/asterisk, but to a different directory, just add a full path to the logfile name:

<code>verbose =&gt; verbose</code> <br>

<code>/full/path/verbose =&gt; verbose</code></p></body></html>

Building the zaptel modules on debian

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<html><body><p>How to build the zaptel (FXO/FXS hardware for Asterisk) modules on Debian using the debian kernel source package.


<li>apt-get install kernel-source-&lt;kernel-version&gt;</li>

<li>apt-get install kernel-patch-scripts</li>

<li>apt-get install kernel-package</li>

<li>cd /usr/src</li>

<li>tar -jxf kernel-source-&lt;kernel-version&gt;.bz2</li>

<li>ln -s kernel-source-&lt;kernel-version&gt; linux</li>

<li>cp /boot/config-&lt;kernel -version&gt; /usr/src/linux/.config</li>

<li>cd linux</li>


<li>cd &lt;source directory&gt;</li>

<li>export <br>/usr/cvsroot</li>

<li>cvs login</li>

<li>cvs checkout zaptel</li>

<li>cd zaptel</li>



<li>make install</li>


If you're planning on using the ztdummy module, edit the zaptel Makefile before compiling. Remove the # in front of ztdummy in the modules= declaration.</body></html>

On losing your favourite magazine

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<html><body><p>Todd Dominey <a href="">writes</a> about the loss of <a href="">Nest</a>:

</p><blockquote>There’s something incredibly sad when a publication you had grown to admire, enjoyed reading, and (most importantly) looked forward to receiving, goes belly up.</blockquote>

I had the same feeling when <a href="">Byte</a> stopped being a real magazine.</body></html>