<html><body><p>How to build the zaptel (FXO/FXS hardware for Asterisk) modules on Debian using the debian kernel source package.
<li>apt-get install kernel-source-<kernel-version></li>
<li>apt-get install kernel-patch-scripts</li>
<li>apt-get install kernel-package</li>
<li>cd /usr/src</li>
<li>tar -jxf kernel-source-<kernel-version>.bz2</li>
<li>ln -s kernel-source-<kernel-version> linux</li>
<li>cp /boot/config-<kernel -version> /usr/src/linux/.config</li>
<li>cd linux</li>
<li>cd <source directory></li>
<li>export CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@cvs.digium.com: <br>/usr/cvsroot</li>
<li>cvs login</li>
<li>cvs checkout zaptel</li>
<li>cd zaptel</li>
<li>make install</li>
If you're planning on using the ztdummy module, edit the zaptel Makefile before compiling. Remove the # in front of ztdummy in the modules= declaration.</body></html>